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Bactofos Plus is a broad spectrum antibiotic that contains Fosfomycin and tylosis, that is active against gram negative and gram positive bacteria and mycoplasma. It can be used for the treatment of bacterial infections in poultry and swine caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria which are sensitive to Fosfomycin and Tylosis. These include mycoplasmas, colibacillosis, chronic respiratory disease, coryza, fowl typhoid, avian cholera, listeria, staph infections and diseases in poultry and swine. ADMINISTRATION AND DOSAGE: Small operations: Mix 1g per 1lt of drinking water or 1 heaped teaspoon per 5lt of drinking water. Large operations: Mix 160mg per kg live mass in drinking water. Administer orally by mixing with drinking water for 3 – 5 consecutive days or as instructed by attending veterinarian.
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