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VOERMOL MAXIWOL PRODUCTION PELLETS (V15415). Class: Protein, Energy, Mineral & Trace Element Supplement for Sheep & Goats. VOERMOL MAXIWOL PRODUCTION PELLETS is a ready-mixed, high quality lick for sheep & goats in pellet form. Easy to handle & convenient to use. It is ideal for situations where problems are experienced with mixing licks due to insufficient labour and/or lick troughs. Ideal for situations where grain is unavailable or too expensive to use. Limits wastage & wind losses because it is in pellet form. Contains adequate intake inhibitors to regulate intake. Supplies bypass protein, energy & minerals which stimulate production. Can be used as a maintenance lick, with huge success, for any class of small stock. Especially suitable for late pregnant & lactating sheep, Angora & Boer goat ewes because of the high content of bypass protein.
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